TFACA has a large selection of classes scheduled for the first half of 2016. You can view those classes on our website using TFACA Scheduling. Below we have listed a select group of classes which are coming up in the next few weeks.
Fire Chief Orientation – March 12-13 -TFACA - This is the class originally scheduled for January 23-24 which was canceled due to snow. If you were enrolled in the January class you will be automatically enrolled in the March class. However, if your schedule will not allow you to attend, please contact us. There are 20 or more seats still available so register soon.
Fire Inspector I – February 8 – 19 TFACA - This 10 day course is for students who would like to learn the fundamentals of Fire Inspector I, and obtain their State Fire Inspector certification. The course is compliant with the Fire Inspector 1 parameters of NFPA 1031 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner. Only 4 seats left for this course.
Inspecting Assembly Occupancies – Feb. 16 – Jackson FD - This course familiarizes the student with the principles and knowledge necessary to understand unique factors associated with assembly occupancies, which will better enable the Inspector to recognize and mitigate fire and life safety hazards during the inspection and plans review process. Several seats available.
Public Safety Telecommunicator – March 10-16 – TFACA - This course is designed to train communication operators of the 911 dispatch systems in the basic fundamentals of emergency dispatch by providing targeted instruction and hands-on experience. The course also meets current training requirements of the Tennessee Emergency Communication Board. Class size limited to 15 and seats are still available.
The Reid Technique of Investigation Interviewing and Advance Interrogation – April 19-22 – TFACA – This 4 day class is hosted by TN Bomb & Arson Division of the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Students will learn to interpret verbal and non-verbal behavior to assess the credibility of a suspect’s statements; Structure the interview to help evaluate the truthfulness of the suspect; Use behavior provoking questions in the interview process. Class registration is being handled by John E Reid & Associates. You can register on line at Students needing dormitory rooms or meals should also register with TFACA using the TFACA registration form or your individual portal account.
We have 3 NFA direct delivery classes which are in need of students to avoid cancellation. We must have 15 students enrolled 45 days before the class start date to avoid cancellation so please register ASAP if you plan to attend!
Introduction to Unified Command for all Hazardous Incidents – April 4-5 – White House FD – This two-day course is designed to provide Company Officers (COs) with a better understanding of multiagency needs and a Unified Command structure.
Shaping The Future – April 9-10- Brentwood FD – This two-day course is designed to assist first- and second-level supervisors and Company Officers (COs) in developing knowledge and skills in contemporary approaches to organizational problem-solving.
Challenges for Local Training Officers –April 3-8 – TFACA – This 6 day class hosted by TFACA was awarded to TN by TRADE Region 4. TRADE is a group sponsored by NFA which consists of state fire training directors and the Metro size fire department training officers in each FEMA region. We are 4 students short for this class.
On-line classes are available through the Acadis portal. Just log in using your portal account login, select the Registration tab and the on line classes will be listed. Select the course you would like to complete and select the “assign” link on the right side of the page to complete the course. More courses are under development and will be added in the future.
You can view TFACA classes using the Training Schedule link and you can register for any TFACA class using this Registration link.
We appreciate you using TFACA to assist you with your training needs. |