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TFACA News and Update, Training & Certification, Fire Prevention & Public Education 06/05/2015

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TFACA is now an ICC Preferred Provider! This allows most TFACA Codes Program classes to issue ICC CEU’s for re-certification for your ICC certifications. Thanks to Director Stephen Snow and the entire Codes program staff for making this possible. TFACA classes which have been approved and scheduled will be viewable on the ICC Preferred Provider Website. We will have them listed on our website.

TFACA sets new record for classes delivered and students attending classes. The current fiscal year has seen a record number of student with over 10,500 students received training provided by or through TFACA programs. We conducted over 720 classes through the end of May 2015. Thank you to each student and department that has allowed us to assist you in meeting your training needs, we appreciate the support!

Naturally we couldn’t reach these levels without the dedicated staff and instructors which work for TFACA. They are a very dedicated group and work diligently each day to deliver quality experience each time you contact us. Thanks you TFACA staff and instructors!

Seats are still available for the Chief Training Officer Symposium June 25 & 26th. Don’t wait until the last minute, register now! There are several different sessions to be provided including new Firefighting Commission rules, Safety monitor, Active Shooter a real event in Gwinnett County GA. where the 1st arriving engine on an EMS call is taken hostage and how the call changed everything. Additionally, we have heard a lot about the Bulk Oil trains moving across our state as well as many others. This presentation helps us understand the hazard and what actions should be taken in the event of an emergency.

Driving Simulator on the move - From Roane County to Sevier County then Weakley and now to Hardin County, we are training apparatus operators across the state. Our Simulator instructors and drivers have traveled the highways of Tennessee during the last few weeks. If you haven’t scheduled a visit to your department, today would be a great day to contact us. If you need V.K. Free driver training, this will help you meet the requirements.

We appreciate the opportunity to serve you!

Tennessee State Fire Marshal's Office | Department of Commerce & Insurance
500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565 | (615) 532-5747
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