Greetings from the Fire Commission, we hope you are enjoying the sunshine and these great record breaking temps. We want to take a few moments to let you know the following fire departments have been approved and forwarded to fiscal for payment for 2015 educational incentive pay:
Rocky Top, Covington, Franklin*, Johnson City, Lebanon and Milan
In addition, we have updated our web site with a new document which can be found and downloaded at
This document shows our certifications in 9 different levels and also lays out the ones that are accredited and the ones that are not. In addition, the document also defines progression and retesting. Also, the documents list the requirements and prerequisites for each level.
In closing, we are currently developing a training program for training personnel that will cover the commission's rules and policies, Acadis and Web forms. Our plans are to present this across the state and make it available as on-line training in Acadis also. We will have it ready for the Smoky Mtn Weekend in May and will be a 4 hour block. To sign up for the training at the Smoky Mtn Weekend use this link |