NAFTD Releases Rules of Engagement for Safe Fire Service Training
The North American Fire Training Directors, of which Tennessee Fire & Codes Academy is a very active member, working in partnership with the IAFC Safety, Health and Survival Section, is pleased to announce the release of the Rules of Engagement for Safe Fire Service Training. Developed through a consensus of training directors and safety officer across the U.S. and Canada, these ten simple steps will help achieve the goal of eliminating line-of-duty-deaths during training events. NAFTD President Allan Rice (Alabama) said, “LODDs during training are preventable and unacceptable. We need to take concrete measures to eliminate the loss of firefighters during training events, and these Rule of Engagement are the roadmap for this effort”. The ROEs address subjects such as having a training plan, following recognized standards, having qualified instructional staff, taking all possible safety precautions, and insuring that participants are medically cleared before engaging in strenuous training. A downloadable poster listing the ROEs will soon be available for distribution to the fire service.
Us the link below to listen to the podcast “Eliminating LODDs in Fire Service Training" |