The TFACA staff hopes everyone is trying to keep cooling during the dog days of summer. Staying hydrated is critical anytime but during weather this hot it is even more important so drink plenty of fluids, but avoid energy drinks as they can cause issues including dehydration. Read more about staying hydrated in this article on heart health.
TFACA Chief Training Officer Symposium is August 4-5, 2016. We are excited about the large number of registrations received at this point. We still have availability for about 25 more students before the class is full. Get your registration in ASAP to make sure you have a seat secured. Tuition is free, and there will be fees for meals and dormitory rooms.
Registration for TN/VA Weekend at NFA closes August 7, 2016. As of today we have less than 20 students registered. Find a friend to share the expenses of driving and join us and experience the National Fire Academy during our state training weekend. We have a great list of classes being conducted. The experience of attending and discussing the issues of today with attendees from other departments and from Virginia will give you the opportunity to learn from others who have experienced the same issues you may be are facing. All applications must be to NFA immediately following registration closure, so please get yours turned in ASAP! More information can be found using the link above!
Needing codes recertification hours or to expand your knowledge? The Codes program has several opportunities in the next few weeks. Classes are being conducted in Selmer, Brentwood and at TFACA. The fall Fire Inspector class is full, thanks for the support for all 3 classes in calendar year 2016! We will announce the date for the spring class and additional 2017 classes in the near future.
We appreciate the support given to the TFACA! We are honored to serve as your state training academy and assisting to meet your training needs. Without your support in would not be possible for TFACA to continue setting records for students attending classes and student contact hours as we have in the last 2 years.