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TN Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners 2024 Updates, Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners 06/06/2024

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RE: Tennessee State Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners 2024 Legislative Session Updates

Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 4-3-1306(d), you are receiving this notice because you have elected to receive notification by e-mail of certain changes or potential changes to the law applicable to your profession. As such, the Department would notify you of the following Public Chapters that were passed during this legislative session and the effective date for these laws:

Bill Number: HB2781/SB2732
Public Chapter: PC1060, 

 Synopsis: This law is known as the “Cosmetology Licensure Compact.” This law establishes a regulatory framework for a new multistate cosmetology licensing program. The purpose of the Cosmetology Licensure Compact (“Compact”) is to facilitate interstate practice and regulation of cosmetology services and reduce unnecessary burdens related to cosmetology licensure. Pursuant to the Compact, qualifying cosmetology licensees of a member state can apply for a new multistate cosmetology license that will allow individuals to practice cosmetology in any state that has enacted the Compact. The new multistate license is an additional license and does not replace the Tennessee state cosmetology license. Current Tennessee license holders will still be able to practice according to the rules and regulations of the Tennessee State Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners without obtaining the new multistate license.

The multistate license will be regulated by the Cosmetology Licensure Compact Commission (“Commission”). The Commission is responsible for overseeing the administration of the Compact, which includes promulgating rules and bylaws for the multistate license and enforcing those rules and bylaws. The membership of the Commission will consist of one delegate from each member state. The Compact will go into effect on the date that the compact statute is enacted into law by the seventh member state.

The Compact also removes the prerequisite that prospective students complete at least two years of high school or obtain a high school equivalency credential approved by the state board of education before applying to a barber or cosmetology school. Pursuant to the Compact, the only prerequisite for prospective barber and cosmetology students to apply to a private school is that they are sixteen (16) years old. Public and vocational schools are exempt from this requirement.

Effective Date: July 1, 2024


Bill Number: HB2613/SB2506
Public Chapter: PC0865, 

Synopsis: This law allows licensed cosmetology, barber, and dual service shops to obtain an alcohol license and sell alcohol to customers. The law creates an alcohol license for restricted retail businesses. A “restricted retail business” is defined as a licensed barber shop; a licensed cosmetology shop; or a cigar bar that provides food service for patrons, has no more than 20 seats for food service for patrons, and alcohol sales do not exceed 15% of the retail business’s annual gross sales. A restricted retail business shall not sell or give away alcoholic beverages between the hours of 10:00 PM and 8:00 AM. The annual excise tax for the license is two thousand dollars ($2,000.00). The license will be regulated by the Alcoholic Beverage Commission. If a cosmetology shop does not obtain the restricted retail business alcohol license, the shop can serve alcoholic beverages to customers without charge. The law prohibits serving alcohol to a customer who is intoxicated or is believed to be intoxicated.

Effective Date: July 1, 2024


If you have any questions, you may contact the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance by phone at 615-741-2515 or by e-mail at

Dept. of Commerce & Insurance | 500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565
(615) 741-2241
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