Notice of Public Rulemaking Hearing: Tennessee Athletic Commission
Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 4-3-1306(d), you are receiving this notice because you have elected to receive notification by e-mail of certain changes or potential changes to the law applicable to your profession.
The Tennessee Athletic Commission (hereinafter “Commission”) will be conducting a Rulemaking Hearing on Monday, March 10, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. This rulemaking hearing will be held at the following address:
500 James Robertson Parkway
Davy Crockett Tower, Conference Room 1-B
Nashville, TN 37243
The proposed rules amend the Commission’s rules for its general provisions applied to combat sports, professional boxing, and kickboxing/mixed martial arts. These amendments clarify when the Commission may waive its rules to allow a professional contest or event to proceed using different rules or procedures. Additionally, these rules clarify the responsibility of promoters for unarmed combats and their responsibility for ensuring referees are aware of the rules for the contest or event and conduct their work in a professional manner.
Additionally, these rules make specific changes to the rules related to mixed martial arts and kickboxing so that the Commission’s rules better follow the Association of Boxing Commissions (ABC) unified rules, as amended at the ABC annual conference for 2024. The proposed amendments to the Commission’s rules will amend the Commission’s rules to incorporate the ABC unified rules by reference rather than listing each foul from the ABC’s rules within the Commission’s rules.
A copy of the rules to be considered at the rulemaking hearing can be viewed online at:
Pursuant to the Tennessee Open Meetings Act (Tenn. Code Ann. § 8-44-101, et. seq.), the above-referenced hearing is open to the public, and you may attend the hearing in person. If you have any comments regarding the rules, you may either submit your written comments in advance of the hearing to Jesse Gentry, Chief Counsel, at (615) 741-5898 or electronically at, or appear at the rulemaking hearing to make your comments on the record.