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Test Applications Submissions, Training & Certification 12/14/2015

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Greetings from the Fire Commission, we want to take this time to wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. In addition, we want to advise everyone that starting January 1st, 2016 we will start a trial period for registration in Acadis for all test applications for Written and Practical Exams. In order for this to work on our end you must complete the following for each test event you register for:

1. Log into the Acadis portal.

2. Select the test event.

3. Add applicant (s) to the event.

4. Add Email for each applicant.

5. You must select the Add Comments button and then under each applicants’ name, in the comments type in the level of exam they are testing for and if it is a practical or written exam or in the case of some practicals if it is for HMO,FFI, FFII, Live Burn etc.

6. Ensure ALL Perquisites have been met and are uploaded into Acadis for each applicant 2 weeks prior to requested test event.

If you fail to complete these steps your applicant may not be able to test.

Applicants not meeting the required perquisites will not be allowed to test.

Remember this is a trial to see if we can process the test request through the registration feature in Acadis without the use of the WebForm. In order for this to work everyone must use the Add Comments and include test level and if it is written or practical for each person. Also the WebForm will still be available. If this does not provide the required information on our end for processing, we will revert back to requiring the WebForm. If you have questions please contact Cheryl Deener at 931.294.4140 or email her at Cheryl.Deener @

Again from all of us to all of you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Fire Commission Staff

Cheryl Deener

Linda Brown

Chris Shelton

Steve Cross

Richard Rochford

Randy Fox

Tennessee State Fire Marshal's Office | Department of Commerce & Insurance
500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565 | (615) 532-5747
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