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New Rule for Motor Vehicle Commission, Motor Vehicle Commission 02/24/2015

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Notice of Effective Date of New Rule for Motor Vehicle Commission

Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 4-3-1306(d), you are receiving this notice because you have elected to receive notification by e-mail of certain changes or potential changes to the law applicable to your profession.

The Tennessee Motor Vehicle Commission considered a new rule at a Rulemaking Hearing conducted on July 14, 2014. These rules were filed with the Secretary of State on February 11, 2015 and will become effective on May 12, 2015.

The rule adds provisions for the expedited issuance of a license for military applicants and their spouses if certain conditions are met and allow for renewal without payment of late fees or other penalties if the licensee is a member of the National Guard or reserve member of the armed forces called to active duty and whose license expires during the period of activation. A full copy of these rules can be viewed online at

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(615) 741-2241
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