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MVC: Proposed Rule Notify, Motor Vehicle Commission 11/20/2017

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Tennessee Motor Vehicle Commission
Proposed Rule Notify

Pursuant to T.C.A. § 4-3-1306(d), you are receiving this notice because you have elected to receive notification by e-mail of certain changes or potential changes to the law applicable to your profession.

On April 24, 2017, the Tennessee Motor Vehicle Commission considered new rules affecting motor vehicle dealers and recreational vehicle dealers. These rules were filed with the Secretary of State on September 1, 2017 and are effective as of November 30, 2017. These changes amend the Tennessee Rules and Regulations as follows:

Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. § 0960-01-.11(4) is amended so that the Commission may require motor vehicle and recreational vehicle dealers to provide information showing compliance with newly enacted statutes T.C.A. §§ 55-17-129 and -416, which allow dealers to have additional businesses. The rule allows for additional businesses up to a certain amount of combined gross income of the dealership. This new rule allows the Commission to require information from dealers showing compliance in order to effectively enforce the new statutes.

A copy of the rule filing is available for review on the website of the Secretary of State at  
If you have any questions or concerns about this new rule, please contact Elizabeth Goldstein at or 615-741-3072.

Dept. of Commerce & Insurance | 500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565
(615) 741-2241
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