TFACA has immediate openings available for Smoke Divers scheduled for April 11-14, 2016 at the TFACA. We normally have a waiting list for the Smoke Divers class, but you now have a chance to register and not wait. Contact TFACA Registration ASAP to complete your registration.
Fire Chief Orientation at TFACA 3/12-13/16 still has a limited number of openings. If you need the class to fulfil the requirement before August this will be your last option until August 6, 2016 in Madison County. You can see the entire 2016 Fire Chief Orientation schedule by visiting our website under the “Scheduled Courses and Registration Forms” link then select Fire Chief Orientation.
If you need codes recertification hours we have classes needing students. Here is a partial list:
Inspecting Assembly Occupancies – CF235 - 3/16/16 - Brentwood
Inspecting Assembly Occupancies – CF235 - 3/23/16 - Bristol
Significant Changes to the 2012 IBC - CB206 – 4/7/16 - TFACA
We have added 2 new areas to our website which can assist you with your training needs. Under the “Scheduled Classes and Registration Forms” area we have added a listing of the on-line classes offered by TFACA. You will also find “Quick Skills Training” which provides short pointed training subject to us for daily training, discussion at the kitchen table, or any time you need to refresh on subject areas. The course material will change regularly, so check it frequently to see what is new.
April 19-22 – TFACA – This 4 day class is hosted by TN Bomb & Arson Division of the State Fire Marshal’s Office. Students will learn to interpret verbal and non-verbal behavior to assess the credibility of a suspect’s statements; Structure the interview to help evaluate the truthfulness of the suspect; Use behavior provoking questions in the interview process. Class registration is being handled by John E Reid & Associates. You can register on line at Students needing dormitory rooms or meals should also register with TFACA using the TFACA registration form or your individual portal account.
We appreciate the support from everyone. Thank you for allowing us to assist you in meeting your training needs! |