TO: All Fire Departments
FROM: Gary L. West, Deputy Commissioner
DATE: August 12, 2014
RE: 2014 Fire Prevention Week Poster Contest
It is time to begin preparations for our annual Fire Prevention Week Poster Contest. Fire Prevention Week is October 5-11, 2014. Fire departments nationwide observe this week each year to mark the anniversary of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.
This year’s theme for Fire Prevention Week is “Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month.” According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in reported home fires in half. It is crucial that our fire departments use Fire Prevention Week to promote public awareness of fire prevention and fire safety, drawing special attention to the importance of working smoke alarms.
Using the link below you will find information on this year’s contest. New for 2014 is the addition of two awards specifically for students with special needs. We’ve also added a stipulation that posters featuring real burn marks will automatically be disqualified. Should it be helpful, we’ve included an optional customizable letter that can be used to inform your local school contacts of the contest. Also optional is a form teachers can send home for smoke alarm installation requests. Should you need smoke alarms to fill these requests, please contact our office using Claire’s contact information below.
Thank you for all of your public fire education efforts, and thank you especially for your help with the poster contest. It has been a success in the past because of the efforts of the local fire departments and we hope to continue that tradition on into the future. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Claire Marsalis at (615) 532-5847 or email
2014 Poster Contest Info Packet: