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Fire Commission Updates , Training & Certification 06/09/2015

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Greetings from the Commission Office

We want to take a few moments to share some important changes concerning certification and the commission office. First, the Safety Officer level of certification will no longer be available after July 1st 2015 per 0360-03-01.26 (3) which states "Safety Officer will not be available after July 1, 2015 and will be replaced by Incident Safety Officer." With that being said, currently we do not have the Incident Safety Officer certification available. Our goal is to have this level available soon and accredited by IFSAC and Pro-Board. In addition, per 0360-03-01.27 the applicant for the Incident Safety Officer certification must successfully complete a Commission-approved training program compliant with the NFPA 1521, Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer and must pass the examination(s) written and practical for Incident Safety Officer I as promulgated by the Commission. If you or members of your department have completed and passed a practical for our current Safety Officer, they will need to challenge and pass the written exam by June 30th 2015 in order to attain Safety Officer.

Second, Live Fire Burns conducted under the 2013 Standard (After Jan 1, 2015) will only be good for three (3) year from the date of issue. Live burns conducted under the 2008 Standard will not be accepted after June 30, 2016.

Third, in the next thirty to forty five days, the commission offices will be relocated to the Tennessee Fire and Codes Academy Campus. We will be located in the west wing of the administration building as you enter the campus. We look forward to being on-site readily available to those we serve. We ask for your patience during this transition and we will do our best to keep you informed on changes related to phone numbers and address changes etc.

Fourth, we want to welcome David Hodges from Maryville who will be serving as a contractor for East Tennessee and Tony Standley from Nashville who will be serving Middle Tennessee. Both have extensive fire service back grounds. We also want to thank our current contractors Tim Rice, Mike Gill and Terri Roshell for the service they provide to you and the commission.

Lastly, we will be presenting a update at the Chief Training Officer Symposium, June 25 and 26 at TFACA, we look forward to seeing you there.

In closing, we hope you have a great summer, stay safe and remember everyone goes home.

Fire Commission Staff

Randy Fox

Cheryl Deener

DeWanda Lee

Steve Cross

Richard Rochford

Tennessee State Fire Marshal's Office | Department of Commerce & Insurance
500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565 | (615) 532-5747
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