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FREE NFA training, Training & Certification 05/27/2014

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The Tennessee Fire and Codes Enforcement Academy, in conjunction with the Tennessee Fire Chiefs Association annual conference, is offering the FREE 16-hour course listed below.  We need at least 8 more registrations before June 2, 2014 to avoid this class being canceled by NFA.


Methods of Enhancing Safety Education (MESE) FO344

07/12/2014 - 07/13/2014

This 16-hour course is designed to instruct the public fire educator, and those who coordinate or assist their organization in public education, in regards to their leadership role in developing and operating successful comprehensive community fire and life safety education. The course does not teach people how to deliver safety programs; rather it supports efforts to enhance safety education in their organizations and in their communities. Content is ideal for students from smaller or volunteer organizations who wish to enhance their public education and prevention efforts. The students will become familiar with the leadership elements required in a public education program and will review their involvement, organization support, and community support for pub-ed programs. The student will be able to: explain methods for motivating other personnel to participate in community education; explain the process necessary to institutionalize community education within an organization; develop a plan for creating change regarding community education for their jurisdiction; learn how to develop partnerships to work on community education activities; determine the impact of coalition activities; and garner support and involvement through multi coalition involvement in the different community education issues.

Pre-Requisites: None

Course Dates: 07/12/2013 - 07/11/2014

Training Location: Nashville Airport Marriott, 600 Marriott Dr., Nashville, TN 37214

Cost: FREE

Resources Required: Pen, Pencil, Paper

Class begins at 8:00 A.M.

Register today on-line at:

Tennessee State Fire Marshal's Office | Department of Commerce & Insurance
500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565 | (615) 532-5747
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