TFACA needs 3 students to attend the upcoming class at the TN Fire Chiefs Annual Conference July 9-10, 2016 in Murfreesboro. The class is titled "Executive Leadership Series: Exercising Leadership to Facilitate Adaptive Change". This class will be presented by NFA Instructor Debra Mertz. She has served as a Co-Chair for the Fire & Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) for the past 12 years and has taught leadership & ethics courses for NFA since 2003.
The class objectives are: "The purpose of this course is to provide skills which individuals in positions of authority can use to exercise leadership when confronted with adaptive challenges. The goal of this course is for the participant to develop an understanding of skills associated with exercising leadership to resolve adaptive problems, those problems where the solution is either unknown or requires significant change, or both."
We need 3 additional registrations quickly to meet the 45 days before the class begins requirements to avoid the class being canceled per NFA policy.
Please register at TFACA Registration or by using your Acadis portal account. |