If you need certification hours or just want to increase your knowledge we have a one day class for you.
CF218-00 – ’06 NFPA 14 Installation of Standpipe & Hose Systems. This class covers the minimum requirements for the installation of standpipe and hose systems for buildings and structures based on the requirements of 2003 NFPA 14 which is referenced by the 2006 IFC.
If you are interested, please register at our website or contact Kay Hale at 931-294-4119.
The 2014 Fire Mortality Summit will be conducted at TFACA tomorrow (9-3-14) beginning at 10:00 AM CDT. A webcast of the Summit is scheduled for those not in attendances. This will be an informative discussion and presentation about the continual work to decrease fire deaths in TN and the progress we are making along with the next step in public education efforts across the State.
This link will take you to the webcast. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/18828625
Thank you for your support of TFACA!