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Firefighter Safety Stand Down Week June 19 - 25, 2016, Training & Certification, Fire Prevention & Public Education 06/21/2016

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This week is 2016 Safety Stand Down. 

TFACA is participating in the National Stand Down for Firefighter Safety, Are you? The Safety Stand Down has evolved from a one-day event with specific focus on preventing LODD’s to a one-week event that’s a part of a larger system designed to promote firefighter safety and health.

This year's theme is “The First Five Minutes: Stretching the Initial Hose Line, Putting Water on the Fire.” Use this week to educate your department on what all personnel should be doing in the initial five minutes of fire incident response to ensure the safest, most efficient response.

The link below is one list of resources designed to help Chiefs, Incident Commanders, Company Officers, Firefighters, and Training Officers focus on the first five minutes of fire response. There are many other websites which are also providing information and materials to use during Safety Stand Down to make sure all members of your department are ready for the next call.

2016 Safety Stand Down Week resources

TFACA will be providing discussion and training items on our Facebook page throughout the week to assist in making this and every week safe for firefighters.


Tennessee State Fire Marshal's Office | Department of Commerce & Insurance
500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565 | (615) 532-5747
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