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SFMO Announces Poster Contest/Educator of the Year Winners, Fire Prevention & Public Education 12/15/2015

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Please see and share the release below announcing winners of the 2015 Poster Contest and Tennessee Public Fire Educator of the Year. A big thank you to all departments who submitted entries for both of these important programs! The winning students and their sponsoring fire departments will be mailed a congratulatory letter with additional details on the January 30th awards event.


Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2015


CONTACT: Claire Marsalis

OFFICE: (615) 532-5847

Poster Contest Winners & Public Fire Educator of the Year Winner Announced
Over 200 Entries Received in Annual Poster Contest; City of Franklin Staffer Recognized

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO) proudly recognizes the winning entrants in the 2015 Fire Prevention Poster Contest, as well as the recipient of the 2015 Public Fire Educator of the Year award. Winners will be honored at an awards event on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016 at the Tennessee Fire and Codes Academy in Bell Buckle, Tenn.

The poster contest is a longstanding annual event used by the SFMO to highlight and promote fire safety awareness throughout Tennessee schools. This year’s contest theme corresponded with the National Fire Protection Association’s Fire Prevention Week campaign: “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep: Every Bedroom Needs a Working Smoke Alarm.”

“We look forward to this contest every year,” said Tennessee Commerce & Insurance Commissioner and State Fire Marshal Julie Mix McPeak. “It’s a fun outlet for students to express their creativity, but also an effective way to teach them about crucial fire prevention messages.”

Starting in August, Tennessee students in grades ranging from kindergarten through high school begin creating art posters to illustrate the importance of working smoke alarms. Local fire departments sponsored the contest in schools from their districts and judged a winner from each grade. The local winners were then sent to the SFMO for final judging in Nashville. Over 200 poster entries were received this year. The winners were selected by a panel of experts who generously volunteered their time: Michael Cooper with Murals & More; Shaun Giles of the Frist Center for the Visual Arts; and Dani Brown of the Tennessee Arts Commission.

The poster contest winners will each receive a $50 prize check and a certificate of achievement signed by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam. A list of all statewide student winners can be found on the State Fire Marshal’s website.

In addition, the SFMO is pleased to announce that Jamie Melton of the City of Franklin Fire Department has been selected as the 2015 Tennessee Public Fire Educator of the Year.

Melton has been the Fire and Life Safety Educator for the Franklin Fire Department since 2007. As a safety educator, she routinely works with diverse target audiences, including children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Melton instituted the Franklin Fire Department’s “Family Safety House Program” – an interactive, educational exhibit designed to teach children and families how to prevent fires and burns, and what to do when they happen. This 39-foot mobile classroom has helped educate more than 12,000 children and adults in home fire safety.

“Being a fire educator is often a thankless job which requires a positive attitude, excellent time management and patience,” said Franklin Fire Chief Rocky Garzareck who nominated Melton for the award. “Jamie exudes all of these qualities and is a true asset to the Franklin Fire Department and the City of Franklin.”

Melton will be honored at the Jan. 30. awards event with a plaque and certificate signed by Gov. Haslam.

About the Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance: TDCI is charged with protecting the interests of consumers while providing fair, efficient oversight and a level field of competition for a broad array of industries and professionals doing business in Tennessee. Our divisions include the Athletic Commission, Consumer Affairs, Tennessee Corrections Institute, Emergency Communications Board, Fire Prevention, Insurance, Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy, Peace Officers Standards and Training, Regulatory Boards, Securities, and TennCare Oversight.



Tennessee State Fire Marshal's Office | Department of Commerce & Insurance
500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565 | (615) 532-5747
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