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Fire Commission Update, Training & Certification 08/20/2014

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Greetings from the Fire Commission, my staff and I want to take a few moments to invite you to our upcoming commission meeting in Nashville, TN at the Department of Commerce and Insurance 1st floor conference room 1A located at 500 James Robertson Parkway on October 14th .The work session will start at 9:00 and regular business meeting will start at 1:00 in addition, the agendas will be located on our website at:  for you to preview at a later date. In addition, if you are unable to attend the meeting in person, we also have a link to view the regular business meeting over the web provided by TFACA. Also, if you missed our last meeting in Jackson on August 7th the video can be watched directly from the Commission’s USTREAM channel: .

Also, while you are on our website, be sure to look over the new items related to Acadis Web-Forms found under Educational Incentive Forms. The PDF presentation “How to submit your In-Service Training Programs” will walk you through the process to summit your 2015 In-Service on-line. Remember your 2015 In-Service Programs are to be submitted through Acadis Web-Forms by November 1st of 2014. In addition, there are new fillable forms available for Educational Incentive Pay and a new Excel spread sheet for the 2014 training year along with step by step instructions on “How to Submit Forms in Acadis”. Lastly, we have launched several new Web-Forms for electronic submission for all test applications both written and practical. However, we will still need you to submit your prerequisites through Acadis, E-mail or Fax them to our office. Our goal is that once prerequisites are submitted, is that you would not have to resubmit them in the event of a retest. In addition, we have Web Forms for fire departments to host test both written and practical exams. These forms are available currently on-line and we will soon be taking the paper documents down from our web-page by September 1st. If you have any questions concerning these changes, please feel free to contact our office or one of our Coordinators. In closing, it is an honor and a privilege to serve Tennessee’s Fire Service.

Randy Fox


Tennessee Commission on Fire Fighting Personnel Standards & Education.

Tennessee State Fire Marshal's Office | Department of Commerce & Insurance
500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565 | (615) 532-5747
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