Good day from the TFACA staff! Below are a few of the upcoming events you may be interested in attending.
Thanks to those that will be joining us at the TN/VA weekend In September. Our number of enrollees is off significantly over last year’s, but we will still have a great weekend! If you have attended in the past but didn’t register this year, let us know what we can do to get more students to attend if we have the same opportunity next year. We welcome your input.
1. TN Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service "Everyone Goes Home" training weekend is set for Sept 6 - 7 at TFACA. The Memorial Service will begin at 4:00 PM on Saturday Sept. 6th. The training sessions to be conducted this year include Firefighter I Live Burn; Incident Safety Officer; Fire Department Wellness Programs and Modern Single Family Dwelling Fire Attack. Everyone Goes Home Weekend Flyer
2. Training Weekends are scheduled across the state this fall. Regardless of where you are located, there is an event near you. East TN Fire Rescue Conference; Upper Cumberland Weekend; or the TN River Training Weekend. Each has a great selection of classes and you can learn from others experiences in the class. We look forward to seeing you at one or all of these events. Thanks to all the folks involved in making these events successful. It takes a lot of work to make an enjoyable and safe weekend training event! Hats off to all involved!
3. We are receiving tremendous support for new In-Service training curriculum. If you would like for TFACA to deliver part of the in-service training required for the Educational Incentive program, let us know. We would be glad to add you to our growing list of departments. Remember the deadline for submission for 2015 In-service program has been changed to November 1, 2014.
TFACA is looking forward to a planned October delivery of our new Driver Training Simulator. We expect to begin delivering training early 2015. There will be more information on how to request training in your area in the near future.
Mark your calendar for a “hold the date” for March 14-15, 2015. Our next major weekend training event at TFACA. More details available this fall.
Acadis portal is being widely used by fire departments across the state. We are glad to see so many departments using it. As a reminder, if you attend a TFACA class you do not need to enter the information in as an in-service training activity as the hours will automatically be shown upon completion of the course. If you are creating an in-service training event to provide copies of certificates only please make sure the hours for the event are set at zero (0). This helps us avoid duplicate hours being recorded.
We appreciate your support of TFACA! |