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Collection Service Board Rulemaking Hearing, Collection Service Board 09/19/2014

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Notice of November 2014 Tennessee Collection Service

Board Rulemaking Hearing

Pursuant to T.C.A. § 4-3-1306(d), you are receiving this notice because you have elected to receive notification by e-mail of certain changes or potential changes to the law(s) applicable to your profession. The Tennessee Collection Service Board (“Board”) is holding a rulemaking hearing (“hearing”) in the Davy Crockett Tower (1st Floor, Conference Room 1-B), located at 500 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, TN 37243, at 9:30 A.M. CST on November 12, 2014. A copy of the proposed rule changes may be viewed on the Board’s website (, or on the website of the Tennessee Secretary of State ( The proposed rule changes to be considered at the hearing include adding a procedure for expedited license renewals for certain licensees who are members of the military and deletion of all references in the rules to the location manager requirement, which was removed as a condition of collection agency licensure by the Tennessee General Assembly in its 2013 legislative session.

Pursuant to the Tennessee Open Meetings Act (T.C.A. § 8-44-101, et seq.), the above-referenced hearing is open to the public, and you may attend the hearing in person if you wish to do so. Alternatively, if you are unable to attend the hearing in person, you may submit written feedback to be considered by the Board at the hearing. If you wish to speak at the hearing, if you wish to provide written feedback to be considered by the Board at the hearing, if you wish to provide written comments on the rules or if you have any questions regarding the hearing, please contact Chris Whittaker by phone at (615) 741-3072 or by e-mail at

Dept. of Commerce & Insurance | 500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565
(615) 741-2241
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