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Fire Commission Updates , Training & Certification 02/28/2017

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1. The TN Firefighting Commission will present new/updated Rules/Policies of the Commission as well as orientate participants on many aspects of Acadis records management. Subjects will include Training Class Submission, Educational Incentive Pay Forms Submission, Lesson Plans module for submitting in-service programs for approval, and etc.

When: Friday, May 12th, at 1:30 Eastern. This 4 hour class will be held at

Where: Gatlinburg Convention Center 234 Historic Nature Trail Gatlinburg, TN 37738 Classroom: Gatlinburg Room A

Cost is $25.00 (Includes lunch for Friday and full conference exhibit entrance) This Fee is not being charged by the Fire Commission.

You can register at

2. The next meeting of the Commission will be:

Wednesday, April 26th, Work Session - 9:00 am - Eastern Time Wednesday, April 26th, Business Meeting – 1:00 pm - EasternTime

All meetings will be held at Gatlinburg, TN located at The PARK VISTA located at 705 CHEROKEE ORCHARD ROAD, Gatlinburg, TN, 37738

Anyone having business to bring before the commission shall send your request to our office at least two weeks prior to our business meeting on April 10th in order to be placed on the agenda.

3. As of today we are changing the minimun of Six (6) to Ten (10) applicants will be required to be scheduled to attend a test event at the two (2) week cut-off date for the written or practical examination to proceed. This is because we have had several events where the minimun six are signed up to test at two weeks before and when our proctors arrive only two or three will be there to test.

4. March 1st is the deadline for submission for Educational Incentive Pay. All request submitted on March 2nd will require a letter requesting a waiver of the March 1st deadline. These requests will be presented to the commission on April 26th. We plan to submit batch 2 next week to fiscal for payment and will send a list out via FIRECOMM at that time.

5. We have updated our web site

Rope I & Rope II has been added and will require appilcants to attend a commission approved course. This level is Pro Board and IFSAC approved. Skill sheets are available under Techical Rescue along with pre-requisites.

In addition, Wildland Firefighter I & II skills sheets have been updated and will require appilcants to complete the following on-line courses after July 1st, 2017:

Completion of the following National Wildfire Coordinating Group courses:

• S-130: Firefighter Training

• S-190: Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior

• L-180: Human Factors on the Fireline

• I-100: Introduction to the Incident Command System, or an equivalent basic incident

command system course such as NIMS IS-100

This must be documented on file in Acadis

This and other information is available on our website

Tennessee State Fire Marshal's Office | Department of Commerce & Insurance
500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565 | (615) 532-5747
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