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TN Board of A&E Notification of Statutory Changes, Architects and Engineers 06/17/2022

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Tennessee Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners

Notification of Statutory Changes


Pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 4-3-1306(d), you are receiving this notice because you have elected to receive notification by e-mail of certain changes or potential changes to the law applicable to your profession. As such, the Department would notify you of the following Public Chapter that was passed during this legislative session and the effective date:

Bill Number: HB2627/SB2479

Public Chapter: PC0904: 

Synopsis: This Act updates a reference to a standardized building code that defines certain types of occupancies relating to the practice of architecture and engineering from the 1985 edition of the Standard Building Code to the International Building Code currently adopted by the state fire marshal.

This Act adds the following additional pathways by which a person may obtain registration as an engineer, (1) Graduation from a four-year curriculum leading to a baccalaureate degree, approved by the board in rules, completion of post-graduate coursework in engineering curriculum leading to a master's degree or higher in engineering approved by the board, passage of the examination on the fundamentals of engineering, passage of the examination on the principles and practice of engineering, and minimum eight years' experience. This bill authorizes the board to approve an applicant having less than eight years' experience if the applicant's education and experience are that of a grade and character that indicates to the board that the applicant may be competent to practice engineering; or (2) Graduation from an ABET ETAC accredited engineering technology curriculum of four years or more that is approved by the board, holding a post-graduate degree in engineering from an institution with an ABET EAC accredited undergraduate engineering program approved by the board, minimum eight years' experience, passage of the examination on the fundamentals of engineering, and passage of the examination on the principles and practice of engineering.

This Act broadens the requirements to allow the registration of engineer interns and landscape architects.

Effective Date: July 1, 2022

Dept. of Commerce & Insurance | 500 James Robertson Pkwy | Nashville, TN 37243-0565
(615) 741-2241
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