
Topic Results

25 items found, displaying all items.1
Subject Line Date
2016 Legislative Update Tennessee Athletic Commission 07/15/2016
TN Athletic Commission Proposed Rules 04/06/2017
TN Athletic Commission Proposed Rule Notify 06/21/2017
Tennessee Athletic Commission Proposed Rule Notify 07/11/2017
Tennessee Athletic Commission Proposed Rule Notify 09/25/2017
License Self-Print: TAC 11/14/2017
Notification of Statutory Changes 07/03/2018
Draft for TAC Medical Insurance Coverage 08/09/2018
TAC Medical Insurance Decrease 10/05/2018
Notice of Effective Date of Amended Rules for TAC 10/08/2019
Final Notice of Effective Date of Amended Rules for TAC 12/09/2019
Notice of Public Rulemaking Hearing 07/08/2020
Notice of Public Rulemaking Hearing 08/14/2020
Notice of Public Rulemaking Hearing: TN Athletic Commission 04/04/2022
Notice of Public Rulemaking Hearing: TN Athletic Commission 04/19/2022
Notice Effective Date for New Rules: TN Athletic Commission 07/14/2023
Notice Effective Date for New Rules: TN Athletic Commission 07/14/2023
Notice: Effective Date New Rules TN Athletic Commission 07/17/2023
Notice: Effective Date New Rules TN Athletic Commission 07/18/2023
Notice: Effective Date New Rules TN Athletic Commission 07/20/2023
Notice: Effective Rules TN Athletic Commission 07/24/2023
Notice: Effective Date New Rules TN Athletic Commission 07/24/2023
Notice: Effective Date New Rules TN Athletic Commission 07/24/2023
Notice: Rulemaking Tennessee Athletic Commission 02/05/2024
Notice: Statutory Changes TDCI Division of Regulatory Boards 07/03/2024